Job Seeker Tips

Second Chances: A True Story

A recovering addict who was committed to finding employment had knocked on many doors before arriving at Selectemp. Here’s how a second chance changed his life.

6 Tips For Writing a Resume That Brings Results

Whether you’re looking for an administrative job or a position in the construction industry, a powerful resume will bring results. The phone will ring, interviews will be set, and opportunities will be presented. Most job seekers are aware that hiring managers spend...

Key Career Habits to Adopt This Year

A new year means new resolutions and committing to new habits. In the first few months of the year, take inventory of your work life and think of ways you can improve. In adopting new habits, or strengthening old, positive ones, you can transform your career into a...

Careers You Can Have With Just A Diploma

Many people today are opting out of a college education and going straight into the workforce. With the looming presence of student loans and a degree often taking more than four years to obtain, it is no wonder that people are going straight from high school and into...

Make the Most of Your New Job

You’ve finished your first week at your new job and things are going well, but how do you really excel at your new position? There are several ways you can make a great impression on your supervisor and coworkers and get the...

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How to Vet a Job Before Accepting an Offer

How to Vet a Job Before Accepting an Offer

Are you familiar with that sinking Sunday evening feeling? Knowing that, in just a few short hours, you’ll be back at your job again… the one you don’t really love. It doesn’t have to be that way! Start looking for a new job...

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Say Goodbye to New Job Jitters

Say Goodbye to New Job Jitters

Picture this: you just scored an exciting new job after a long search. Congratulations! The stressful period of applications and interviews is over. As you gear up for your first day, you may be feeling a little apprehensive....

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How to Be a Rockstar Employee

Our Experts | Katie Merickel, Bend Branch Manager The key to being a rockstar employee is to know your company’s goals and understand how your role contributes to the overall corporate strategy, understand company priorities and...

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How to Follow Up After Applying For a Job

How to Follow Up After Applying For a Job

You’ve found your dream job, researched the company, and decided you are the perfect match. You submit your application and now the dreaded waiting game begins. Fast forward to two weeks later. You still haven’t heard a thing....

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