Jessica is a Staffing Manager in our Salem office. Our candidates say she is always helpful during their job search process and makes finding a job stress-free! It’s people like her that really make a difference in our local communities. Read on to learn more about Jessica…

Meet Selectemp Employee Spotlight Jessica Foster

What is your favorite food? Why did you pick this as your favorite?
Sushi. Sushi was a sort of comfort food for me growing up. My mom would always take me out to a sushi dinner when I got good grades or did something good as a reward.

What are two of your favorite hobbies?
Texas Hold’em poker and video games, particularly Bethesda Studios games.

If you could choose any animal to be, what would it be and why?
I would be some kind of large bird! I would love to be able to fly!

What gets you out of bed every morning?
Is my alarm clock the wrong answer? Seriously though, I enjoy people and being able to make a difference in my community.

Knowing what you know now, what advice would you give your younger self?
You don’t need to go to college to find a job you love.

What is your personal mantra?
Life is too short to be unhappy! Do that thing you want or need to do to make you happy.

When you were younger, what did you want to be when you grew up?
A Comic Book artist.

Do you have any pets? What are their names and what are they like?
We have a cat named Clawdia, our Husky Koda who’s kinda derpy sometimes, our Shepard mix Leeloo who is just the sweetest thing, two rats Shadow and Pat, who were supposed to be for our daughters, but they spend more time with us

What kind of activities do you like to do with your friends or family?
I love to camp! It’s my favorite activity during the summer months. There’s nothing like a good fire in the woods with friends and family.

If you won the lottery and had a million dollars, what would you do with it?
Retire very comfortably and maybe run an animal rescue.

If you could have dinner with any person from any time period, who would it be and why?
Leonardo DeVinci! He was just a fascinating person!

If you were to write a memoir, what would the title be?
What doesn’t kill you makes you hilarious!

What made you want to work where you’re at now?
I worked for the company from 2018-2019 as a Front Desk Coordinator and left for a couple of years before coming back recently. I love the Culture here!

Before working at your current job, what was the most interesting job you had?
By far being a Bartender…oh the stories I could tell.

What do you look forward to most when you walk into work?
My team for sure. I love all the people I work with and work is so rewarding when we all win together!

What is your favorite thing about your job?
Helping people potentially change their lives. Work doesn’t have to be something to hate to do!

What’s unique about the culture at your company?
I love how everyone is invested in one another’s success. Everyone is willing to jump in and put their hands to the problem and do whatever is needed to help one another.

What advice would you give to someone looking for a job right now?
This is absolutely a job seekers market and there are so many opportunities, take a risk and try something new!

What do you find most rewarding about your job?
Hearing the happiness in someone’s voice when they truly love their job.

What led you to a career in staffing?
Chance, I came to Selectemp as a candidate looking for work and was offered an internal position.

What have you gained from working where you’re at?
A true sense of community. I know that I am part of a team that cares for one another and wants success, not for profit, but because when one of us wins, we all win!

What is your proudest moment at your job?
We had a candidate who came to us while living in his car. He didn’t have anything to his name and was afraid about how he was able to survive. We gave him an opportunity that resulted in him getting hired permanently with our client and within months was able to afford his own apartment. He came back to us a changed man, all because we were able to give him the opportunity that he needed. It was truly a humbling experience.