Katie is a Branch Manager in our Bend office and it’s people like her who help make Selectemp an industry leader! She works hard to develop relationships with our clients and it shows. She was even added to the TalentLaunch President’s Club for 2020! Read on to learn more about Katie…

Get to know Selectemp Employee Spotlight Katie Merickel

What’s one thing most people don’t know about you?
I was selected for the Upward Bound program in high school at Humboldt State University where I spent my summers taking classes and staying focused on my long-term goals.

What is your favorite food? Why did you pick this as your favorite?
Tacos … Why? The options are endless, from breakfast tacos to Asada, fish to flatbread, guacamole, cheese… yum!

What are two of your favorite hobbies?
Bowling and being crafty.

If you could choose any animal to be, what would it be and why?
Dolphin — because they are crazy smart, great swimmers, graceful, tricky, and amazing communicators!

What gets you out of bed every morning?
Opportunity… Ensuring my kids have everything they need for success and believing that each day is a fresh start to do better, learn more, impact others and grow!

Knowing what you know now, what advice would you give your younger self?
Don’t be afraid to fail, those are the best lessons!

What is your personal mantra?
Find the reason, not the excuse!

When you were younger, what did you want to be when you grew up?
A lawyer. My fact-based arguments were undebatable.

What does your morning routine look like?
Hit snooze, 5 more minutes. Workout, coffee, kids, take a walk, and get sparkly for the day.

Do you have any pets? What are their names and what are they like?
Yes, my dog. His name is Koda. He is a sweet, 20 lb, Shiba Inu mix that we saved from South Korea.

What kind of activities do you like to do with your friends or family?
Explore, travel, go on adventures, hiking, biking, sports, bbq, listen to music, and dance!

If you won the lottery and had a million dollars, what would you do with it?
Buy an investment property, help my kids with college, and travel.

What was your favorite vacation?
Toss up — Idaho with the kids to the amusement park and water park OR my birthday in Outer Banks, North Carolina – private house on a beach with no road access, fresh seafood, wild horses, sunsets, sunrises, and absolute peace!

If you could have dinner with any person from any time period, who would it be and why?
My grandma Pat. She was the Matriarch in our family and I miss her dearly. I have so many questions I want to ask her.

If you were to write a memoir, what would the title be?
A Passion for More.

What made you want to work where you’re at now?
The people and the culture, the passion that fuels Selectemp!

Before working at your current job, what was the most interesting job you had?
I was a Realtor, finding dream homes for first-time buyers was the best!

What do you look forward to most when you walk into work?
Learning about new businesses and potential for partnerships and sharing strategic concepts in recruiting, staffing and people.

What is your favorite thing about your job?
Discovery — I get to learn about companies, their services, and products, their teams, culture, and process. To see the unique opportunities out there and strategically figure out how we can assist our partners to ensure they have the right teams so they can focus on their business and exceed projections, beat deadlines, and achieve their goals!

What’s unique about the culture at your company?
The passion starts from the top, the team is focused and determined and all working in alignment — we bleed BLUE AND YELLOW!

What advice would you give to someone looking for a job right now?
Call Selectemp! We focus on our employees and their goals! Tell us what you are looking for in your next opportunity, your career goals and we will search our extensive database to align you with one of our partners and their opportunities!

What do you find most rewarding about your job?
Learning, leading, and growing with a team of professionals that are focused on helping others. The relationships I get to build, the trust and the partnerships I am fortunate to have, and the ability to watch companies grow and succeed as their partner.

What led you to a career in staffing?
A passion for more. I love opportunity, people, building strong relationships and teams, and having past staffing experience in the back office as well as sales, it just made sense.

What have you gained from working where you’re at?
Knowledge, empowerment, confidence, and experience. An amazing network of colleagues and friends, a dynamic team of winners, insight and understanding, encouragement to learn and grow, and the ability to mentor others and watch teammates succeed.

What is your proudest moment at your job?
When one of my customers gives me a referral and trusts me to help someone they know, love, and respect…