Employee Spotlight, Marissa is a Branch Manager in our Roseburg office and we love how much of a team player she is! She puts in so much effort every day to make sure our clients and candidates have the best experience and it shows. She was even part of the TalentLaunch President’s Club for 2020! Read on to learn more about Marissa…

Meet Employee Spotlight Marissa

What’s one thing most people don’t know about you?
I was in a car accident when I was about 7 years old and lost my sense of smell.

What is your favorite food? Why did you pick this as your favorite?
Asia Garden’s Mar Far Chicken with pink sauce! I have been going to Asia Garden since I was a kid and always got Mar Far. I guess it reminds me of happy times in my childhood.

What are two of your favorite hobbies?
My two favorite hobbies are hiking when the weather is nice and hanging out at the beach with my daughters.

If you could choose any animal to be, what would it be and why?
Probably a house cat, they get to lay around and meow when hungry!

What gets you out of bed every morning?
My daughters and my own personal drive for success.

Knowing what you know now, what advice would you give your younger self?
Don’t sweat the small stuff, things have a way of working themselves out.

What is your personal mantra?
Life is beautiful and I actually wear a bracelet with the saying and one that says fearless as well.

When you were younger, what did you want to be when you grew up?
I wanted to be a Nurse but my loss of a sense of smell I was told would make it difficult.

What does your morning routine look like?
Wake up with the baby, put on a movie for her. I get the baby some cereal and work out. Shower and head to work!

Do you have any pets? What are their names and what are they like?
I have a fish that is Maui from the movie Moana and a cat named Ollie.

What kind of activities do you like to do with your friends or family?
I just got into the murder mystery games and have been loving those.

If you won the lottery and had a million dollars, what would you do with it?
I would buy myself and my sibling’s homes and probably go on a nice vacation.

What was your favorite vacation?
Costa Rica! I loved all the beaches and all the exploring, the people were very friendly and all the love parrots in the trees at the resort were amazing!

If you could have dinner with any person from any time period, who would it be and why?
My Nana. She passed when I was in the 6th grade, but she was my best friend and I miss her dearly.

If you were to write a memoir, what would the title be?
Determined to be.

Before working at your current job, what was the most interesting job you had?
I was an Asset Manager for a Real Estate firm in Seattle.

What do you look forward to most when you walk into work?
The new connections I will make that day.

What’s unique about the culture at your company?
We are all very compassionate, you can hear in the way each person works with candidates and clients. We are leaders in a manner that requires us to slow down and listen, allowing us to have open conversations and show that we care.

What advice would you give to someone looking for a job right now?
Come see me of course!

What do you find most rewarding about your job?
Putting people to work that have been turned away at other places. I love helping them to see that someone still cares and that we believe that people can change.

What led you to a career in staffing?
I had bad luck with staffing agencies in Seattle and when I came across the job posting, I felt this was my chance to make a difference for others and give them a better experience than I had.

What have you gained from working where you’re at?
I have gained a lot of personal growth. Selectemp is lead by a lot of strong women that lead by examples day in and day out.

What is your proudest moment at your job?
I had a guy that was recently released from prison come in and explain that he saw a temp job that I had online and he is really hoping that I would give him a chance to prove himself because he had been turned away from two other agencies in the area and just wanted a chance. After speaking in-depth with him, I told him I would give him a chance and due to timing he would come back the next day and finish the process. He came back and with a friend who had also just been released. Not only did both guys do great on the temp jobs but we were able to get them great careers with very good companies.