You’ve finished your first week at your new job and things are going well, but how do you really excel at your new position? There are several ways you can make a great impression on your supervisor and coworkers and get the most out of your new position.
- Be willing to help a coworker with a project. Perhaps that coworker is overwhelmed with a new task they’ve been given, but you already have the skills needed to complete it. Offer to lend a hand and show your coworker how it’s done or an easier way of doing it to help out. You’ll stand out to your supervisor and show you know how to be a team player – plus it’ll make you feel good to help out a fellow employee!
- Ask to learn a new skill. Once you’ve been at your new job for a little while, ask to take on a new project, which may require learning a new skill. It’s always good to expand your skill set, even if you’re still settling in. Every opportunity you have to learn something new is an opportunity to enhance your skills and increase the chance of turning a temporary position into a permanent one or being promoted to a higher position.
- Get involved. Are there office committees established for the annual chili cook-off or the day-long safety training? Join one to start building relationships with the other employees who could turn into friends or mentors. Getting involved shows you not only care about the work you do, but the environment in which you do it. A positive environment with people you like will always make going to work more enjoyable.
- Ask questions. You’ll probably have a few questions about your new position, especially at the beginning, and it’s important to voice any concerns or questions you have. You won’t look
silly; you’ll look smart and like you care about getting it right. Smart questions excite supervisors because it means they have team members who are passionate about their work and ensuring they are doing the best they can.
- Get to know your company and culture. To really thrive in a new workplace, it’s essential to understand the company and its culture. Read the manual and check out the website to learn more about its history, mission and values. Talk to senior employees to learn about their positions and why they’ve been with the company for so long. Getting a feel for how employees interact with each other and senior leadership will help you feel more comfortable being yourself and doing your job. Culture is important to your productivity, so make sure your new company is a good fit for you!
- Be willing to help a coworker with a project. Perhaps that coworker is overwhelmed with a new task they’ve been given, but you already have the skills needed to complete it. Offer to lend a hand and show your coworker how it’s done or an easier way of doing it to help out. You’ll stand out to your supervisor and show you know how to be a team player – plus it’ll make you feel good to help out a fellow employee!